Blake's Learning Centres - Writing Centres: Persuasive Texts - Middle Primary
Blake's Learning Centres - Writing Centres: Persuasive Texts - Middle Primary
Blake Education

Blake's Learning Centres - Writing Centres: Persuasive Texts - Middle Primary

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Blake's Learning Centres are a wonderful motivating way for students to practise important skills. The 40 colourful cards in this resource provide comprehensive writing instruction for eight persuasive text types.

Featured Text Types:

  • Exposition
  • Review of Written Text
  • Discussion
  • Interview
  • Personal Response to Poetry
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Protest Banner
  • Advertisement

Each Text Card provides an engaging, levelled and illustrated text sample that is supported by: three activity cards, five photocopiable worksheets and a Graphic Organiser. The lessons on the Activity Cards are divided as follows:

  • Language Features – this card shows a shorter extract of the text and enables the students to examine the role and purpose of grammar at the word, sentence and whole text level.
  • Activity Card – focuses on how the text meets the needs of purpose and audience, and the structural components of the text such as its layout and organisation, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
  • Writing Card – provides a number of different tasks for students to work on as an individual or with a partner. This may involve them writing a section of text or a whole text.

All of the coloured pages in the books are designed to be removed and laminated to provide a durable classroom resource that can be used for many years.

Bonus Disk:

  • Display each text card on an IWB (interactive whiteboard) or screen
  • Match activities to the Australian Curriculum
  • Involve the whole class in discussion of the wide range of text types
  • Print extra copies of any or all cards
  • Produce large version (A3) cards