Amazing Australians in Their Flying Machines
Walker Books

Amazing Australians in Their Flying Machines

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Author and licensed pilot Prue Mason shares how a handful of early aviators helped Australia reach beyond its borders to lands far away.

Imagine what it was like to travel to far-off places before there were aeroplanes. For early 20th-century Australians, it could take days, weeks, or months just to get where they were going. Amazing Australians and Their Flying Machines tells the stories of ten brave Australians, including the youngest licensed woman pilot Nancy Bird, who took to the skies and changed the face of aviation forever.

  • Entertaining and informational text, alongside archival photography and humorous illustrations from Tom Jellett, make this a perfect read for young readers interested in aviation and Australian history.
  • Co-authors Prue and Kerry Mason are both licensed pilots. Together they restore classic airplanes and take the skies as often as they can.
  • Great for classroom use with its "Did You Know" sidebars and friendly informational text, but it's also fun and entertaining, making this a great option for the trades.